Too loyal or time-poor for a better rate? Problem solved

Too loyal or time-poor for a better rate? Problem solved

Another month, another rate cut. Finance can be so frustrating.

Did you realise you could be keeping more money in your pocket?

For many, matters of personal finance are left in the too hard basket and this can add a cost for staying put. Loyalty, or simply being time-poor, can also be offences punishable by debt in the world of finance.

Did you know there is another way?

A 2018 Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) report showed that new borrowers with an average-sized residential mortgage paid up to $850 less a year in interest than existing borrowers with the same lender. That’s over 200 more cups of coffee with friends!

However, despite the apparent benefits, actively ensuring an interest rate remains suitable is a practice that continues to elude many.

Fortunately, there are people out there whose job it is to assist in this process. Finance brokers play a vital role in assisting borrowers through the process of ensuring their mortgage stays competitive.

So, get cracking. Call today and we will make sure your money stays in your pocket for longer.


If you have any finance related queries